Best Chocolate Pudding

 425 ml Milk
 150 ml Cream
 30 g Cornflour
 150 g Sugar
 70 g Dark chocolate, grated or diced
 3 Eggs, lightly beaten
 3 tbsp Cocoa Powder
 1 pinch Salt


Heat milk and cream in a metal bowl over a saucepan of simmering water, making sure water does not touch the base of the bowl. Make sure the milk does not boil.


In a separate bowl, beat eggs, cocoa, sugar, cornflour, salt, and grated/diced chocolate. Add hot milk one ladleful at a time while whisking, so the chocolate melts but the eggs don't cook.


Pour mixture into a large saucepan and heat very slowly, stirring, until just below boiling point.


Blend in a blender until very smooth, or beat for 5 minutes with a wooden spoon. Transfer to a bowl, cover with cling wrap and chill 2-3 hours in the fridge.