Mini Strawberry Santas
Mini Strawberry Santas are one of the best Christmas desserts you can make to get your kids to eat fruit over the holiday period, rather than just sugar! They're simple to make, and brighten up every Christmas table. Plus, you'll look like a creative superstar for your efforts!
Cut the hulled-side strawberries so they can stand up on a plate. Slice the tip off each strawberry to make the 'hat'; set aside.
Beat cream and confectioners' sugar in a glass or metal bowl until soft peaks form. Lift your beater or whisk straight up: the whipped cream will form soft mounds.
Spoon a large dollop of whipped cream on top of strawberry base for the 'face' and 'beard'. Set the 'hat' atop the 'face'. Add a dot of whipped cream, using a toothpick, on top of the 'hat' for the 'pom-pom' and 2 dots on the strawberry base for 'buttons'. Place 2 sprinkles on the 'face' for 'eyes'.
Cut the hulled-side strawberries so they can stand up on a plate. Slice the tip off each strawberry to make the 'hat'; set aside.
Beat cream and confectioners' sugar in a glass or metal bowl until soft peaks form. Lift your beater or whisk straight up: the whipped cream will form soft mounds.
Spoon a large dollop of whipped cream on top of strawberry base for the 'face' and 'beard'. Set the 'hat' atop the 'face'. Add a dot of whipped cream, using a toothpick, on top of the 'hat' for the 'pom-pom' and 2 dots on the strawberry base for 'buttons'. Place 2 sprinkles on the 'face' for 'eyes'.
See more of our Best Christmas Desserts recipes here.

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